Monday, May 12, 2008

Boy's- will always be boy's.

Hello everyone.
Mom finally finished cleaning since the day of our arrival.Although the house looked clean everything had to be re-done to meet "Mom's requirements"- after all Sammy is the one that is breathing this air and being part of this environment.Every one who walks in to the house-has to take off their shoes,take off their coat ,sweater,if family member change their clothing all together,wash their hands 'making allot of suds',if coming from school outside person most likely will be asked to wear a mask. It may seems little over the board,but it's better safe then sorry.
Sammy likes his new bed.It's not white- soft colors and stripes. Sammy played on his new gym mat all day.Sometime sitting for short time on his own,sometimes leaning on his giant bear ,when on his tummy he rolled over to both sides -by him self! I had reintroduced baby carrots and green pickles to him as a snack.He liked crunchy texture and little salt on the pickle.Today for the first time he helped me to pull on his pull up diaper with scudding a little-it was great!
Little baby steps ,as long as it's moving in the right direction- it's all good. I feel that ,as soon as he is strong enough to pull him self up in the sitting position on his own-it will be huge step toward walking.We need to strengthen his tummy muscle to keep his upper body together.
His new toys are toddler toys.We reintroducing colors,sounds,animals,numbers allover again.
In the same time it's just unclear to me that he remembers somethings from before transplant just as he left them like.... Well, he has been overly interested in picking inside ladies shirt and when told 'No' he just bursts out laughing- go figure out -boy's are always boy's ,no matter what.
In any case hopefully we find balance one day. Sincerely Sammy and Mom from home.


Anonymous said...

with hashem's help his baby steps will grow into bigger steps. may it happen soon. keep up the good work. you are a true inspiration

Anonymous said...

i hope hashem will make chaim shmuel healthy again so that he can return to a good quality of life. have a good shabbos

Anonymous said...

couldn't reach u by phone, chana, but I do want to share with u that as i was shopping today for some special kosher shabbos items, I just couldn't get through the aisles, so many people, who don't even know sammy, asked me how sammy was doing, they were thrilled to hear that he is home, i did let each one know that chaim shmuel has unusual family. so i send u their regards, good wishes and prayers. WOW! Ahavat Yisroel -" to Love for a fellow Jew, just the same as u, is the basis of our torah, he may be far from me, across the widest sea, but we will love him just the same..." The great sage Hillel, was once approached and was asked , teach me the whole Torah, (while I stand on one foot)...(yes u guessed right)he replied "Ahavat Yisroel"
Good Shabbos Chana, Chaim Shmuel and the best bunch!