Monday, January 31, 2011

January 2011

Hi All,
There has been slight issue with Sammy's condition.He is fighting a cold like symptoms.
No one knows for sure ,but Sammy is trying to cough and have been successful clearing his
cough on his own for now.
He enjoyed his shower and beauty day.
Now knowing what to expect from the weather I went shopping got few things to keep us safe in home ,while this craziness is over.
Sammy is growing.Not only teeth changes to permanent ,he is over 105IB now!!!!
and 5 feet tall!.
Our little giant! His wheel chair is getting small and bathing chair is only till 110IB
He is almost at 3 years after Bone Marrow Transplant mark .
Its upcoming 2-8-2011.
What a kid ,what a ride ! '
Never know what is next in life ,but today our time with people you care and love is so precious
Cherish every moment ,don't waisted on small stuff!

Sincerely Sammy and Mom