Sunday, July 19, 2009

Loosing a Friend

Hi every one,
We just lost a very Dear friend and Doctor who try very hard to help others all his life.
When we had learned about Sammy's illness this family was by our side every step.
For several years fighting his own battle ,it bothered this Doctor that there is no cure for ALD -he always try to find a way to help Sammy. He will be missed by many,his academic achievements and work in genetic reproductive medicine ,stem cell research will be always remembered .He will be always remembered as a specialist ,doctor,dedicated family man and wonderful friend.
I'm speechless and very sad ,our heart go out to dear family members .
In such a difficult moment ,this family decided to ask everyone make a donation to instead of bringing flowers and baskets to the funeral.
I could not believe how Special this people are to think of Sammy while loosing their beloved husband and father. It touched our hearts .
What an amazing people. I felt we was getting another massage to help others when we can .
Start from saying something kind to someone who hurt your feelings before...and watch what happens.....
Sincerely Sammy and Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that! May his soul have an alyia and may the memory of him be a comfort and blessing to all! May G-d heal Chaim Shmuel ben Chana!