Friday, February 8, 2008

Eva -ROCKS!!

Today we witnesed how brave Eva is. She never coplained, just asked a lot of questions. Thank's to amaizing doctor's, nurses and staff at Children's Memorial, the procedure was easy and fast. Eva was in recovery for short time.

After few more hours Eva mentioned that today was Friday ,the sun will be down soon and she wanted to meet all her friends at sinagogue for Shabbat.
As for our prince Sammy, he is doing fine. In the next 2 weeks we will be wating for a great news. We will be looking for his OWN, NEW white blood cells. Let the magic begin...

Special Thanks to All our Dear Friend's that are working so hard to help us in any way possible while Mom is by Sammy's side 24/7 in the hospital. I also would like to thank all the readers that are connected and tuned to our website. We love you.

Thank you All- We couldn't do it without you.

Love Gelena ,Sammy and family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found out about your case yesterday, but today in synagogue I prayed for your whole family and especially for a fast and successful recovery of your very brave little boy. Our prayers are with you all.
Best of luck and only good news!!!