Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy B-Day - Marina.

Today Sammy's older sister is turning -19 years old.
Happy B-Day and We All wish you Health,Happiness,Good Fortune,Good Luck,Good Carma and many Good Friend's.
I believe that All of the things that we wish you are important,but one of them is super special.
I'm talking about -friends. This is one of the most powerful forces you will ever experience.
When Sammy got diagnosed with this disorder on Dec 22-2007 ,you remember -we went in a state of Shock .
We try to figure things out on our own . And the truth is that this unfortunate news was more that we can tolerate. I could tell you my Dear Daughter ,if not for our Family and countless Friends new and old ones -we wouldn't have Half the strength we have now!
Happy Birthday Marina - Make more good friends,Be carefully and have fun.

Sammy is resting comfortably.He is getting his strength back more and more . I'm next to him making sure he remembers that he has to get better ,because we are going to Disney World Soon!!!

Sincerely Sammy and Mom.


Vadim Muchnik said...

Happy Birthday Marina!!! You are a wonderful person, and I am sure, a great student :)!

Sammy is very lucky and proud to have The Big sister like you!


Anonymous said...

Dear Sammy,
It was wonderful to visit with you on Sunday. You are a very smart,strong,sweet boy with a devoted, loving mother by your side every minute. Reading to you brought back great memories of our time reading to each other at school. You are an angel and in my prayers every day.
Love, Mrs. Jacobson

Anonymous said...

hey sammy, I miss you SOO much right now and missed seeing you and the whole family on my birthday yesturday, I hope your feeling better and I can't stop thinking about you!!! I know your going to get better and I really wish I could see you!

i love you,