Monday, May 11, 2009


Hello fans,
Happy Mothers Day.
Naturally I had to work that day.
Our home is filled with flowers from my B-day.Mothers day and just flowers from friends.
Sammy is doing as well as his condition permits . Lately he got another increase in meds,to ease his pain.Relaxed he have been having allot better days . He is continue to takes walks everyday with Grandpa and Dad sometimes. Otherwise he is mostly in bed or on Moms lap .
I often think of people that surround us. Every one of you that had reached out or pray for Sammy has been in my prayers too. Tremendous support from all of you give us strength .
I specially pray for G-d give us power to understand and except things that we can't change in our life's. Sammy's current condition has been difficult to understand or except. I believe in chance of the miracle-it had happened before to other people and can happen again to Sammy.
Sammy is our Blessing and our whole family's life is build around his needs no matter what.
He is home and getting love and care he needs-we can't have it any other way.
Its is challenging to get back to work and still be a care taker 24/7,but life is full of challenges and we take them one at the time.
XOXO Sammy and Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may you continue to see light and joy in your life and may hashem heal chaim shmuel ben chana completely and speedily. May the light and credit of rabbi shimon bar yochai, whose yortzait is today, bring the final redemption to you...