Sunday, November 22, 2009

15 years

Hi All,
We just celebrated our 15 years anniversary. Both of made of honors was there. Of course at home ,we welcome our close friends and family.
It was magical. Ones again realizing that without our family and friends we would not be able to make it ,so far. Just looking around us we ones again said how lucky are we to have such an incredible people around us.
We really had fun , many of our friend we know for at least 15 years . Their weddings around same time and our kids born and raised together. It was like a balm on our bleeding soul.
Sammy enjoyed attention ,it seem he recognized people voices and was very alert . Great evening ,allot of love,precious memories,laughter ones again entered our home-this is what we love and could not have it any other way. Life is short,we must enjoy those rare moments of happiness.
Our daughters was ,so helpful.They helped out and made our party easy to handle -Thank you ..
Tomorrow we off to few days off,I must catch on my sleep between home,work,Sammy I feel tired.
Have a great Thanksgiving ,use this opportunity to gather your Family together and tell them how much they all mean to you..
Sincerely Sammy and Mom


Anonymous said...

I hope you have many more happy moments to share and may Hashem heal Chaim Shmuel ben Chana completely and speedily!Amen!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Comrades! You are both very lucky to have each other, indeed.
Sorry we missed your beautiful celebration.

Safe trip and return!