Friday, May 2, 2008

Our hospital journey ...

Hello friends,

We just got confirmation and a set date of our release from the hospital.Finally this part is coming to an end. In nearly 9 weeks here we have met some interesting people.Today at dinner time we joined new comers at' dinning room' and just realized that Sammy is here the longest.
The day is set for Tuesday May 6Th- it 's 14 weeks since we left home.
Mom and whole family is busy making arrangements to make this transition as smooth as possible.Very next day on Wednesday May 7 Th at 8:00am , Sammy is going to start outpatient therapy for 5 days a week-3 hours a day. I feel it's important to jump on any therapy opportunities and use it right now.
In the mean time mom went to run some overdue errands while grandma was in the hospital.It's seems that Sammy knows -when he sees grandparents coming to visit it means that mom will leave.They always have a great time ,grandmother is silly sometimes- she calls Sammy-'Curly head'.They sing songs and read books and grandpa takes him outside for a walk.
I finished running my errands fairly fast ,even got few hours leftover. Downtown I saw many people bagging for help. One of them was a young woman.She had sign next to her 'I'm not a bad person -I just made bad choice.'After leaving few bucks I was thinking-If she acknowledged making bad choice -she has a chance. I reached out to my pocket ones again and alone with more change pulled out my business card with my phone number and told her that she can coll me if she needs to talk to someone.My business card seems to be 'the ticket' every time I give it to someone- I know they will call. Naturally I thought about my new girlfriend -Palestinian girl,
mom to 3 kinds ,who's oldest son/6 y.o./and is undergoing the same treatment as Sammy,we met here in Rehab and staying in touch.I believe that people you meet was placed there for a reason- they play purposeful part in your life and Vice -Versa giving a chance to each of you to redeem yourself.
As I was walking away I thank G-d for my faith,strength, for support of our fiends and family, for giving Sammy second chance, for being able to offer my help regardless .
Have you ever met some one who's life challenges made you appreciate what you have?
Until next time, Truly yours Sammy and mom.


Anonymous said...

Baruch Hashem, how exciting!

Anonymous said...

we are continuing our prayers and happy about the progress. may hashem speed up his recovery