Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Mirrored emotions....

Hi Friends,
Today I had a hard time to pick my topic of conversation.As soon as I open my eye's every morning,thoughts and things take over.It gets to the point that I have to say to my self -relax-everything is going to be OK! One of my on going project is look in to myself. Realizing that life had shifted and we need to make allot of room to make Sammy comfortable.It will take some time to adjust when we go back home.I'm not waiting to get clues or recommendations .I'm the one that has to made some decisions. Today I ordered a special needs chair that will provide maximum comfort while transporting Sammy to and from his treatments 5 days a week . How do I know it works? We had a chance to try it out for few days here.It's light,foldable,has a great stroller look to it .Also getting that chair now will benefit us by not only having it at you disposal at any time -it has to be adjusted by professional and we have a great chance to ask for 'perfect set up' here. I'm exploring possibilities for 1 more mobility jogging looking stroller for long walks in the park or outside. There are many-many different gadgets and systems and car seat I have to think about. When we arrived to Children's Memorial Sammy was walking and even running by him self-now things changed-but not for long!
Today our big boy Sammy was sitting in lotus position for about5 minutes ! Yep! You go Sammy!
There's been some further improvements with other therapy's too.When I change Sammy's shirt I live it half way done -it drives him crazy! He has to reach out o get that shirt off his head. Instead of taking All work upon my self I like to share it with Sammy until it becomes routine.
As per my emotional couple of days earlier I've made a decision .I will not ,let this happened again!
No one can take my hope, believe and prayers away from me!We deserve to have better quality of life!There is,so much positive ahead I want to be a witness-participant of G-D's miracle
It effected Sammy's mood and his day -big time. I finally understand that we are just like one unit -my feelings is his feelings.He mirrors me and became super sensitive to my emotional state and how things are going with me.We got our strength back !I'm doing much better now!
XOXO Sammy &mom


Anonymous said...

you are in our prayers. we are cheering for you!!! lets count the blessings

Anonymous said...

dearest chana!yes, u r very dear to us even though we may not have met u in person. many of us turn to your blog, daily or weekly for a dose of inspiration. and then we apply that to own situations and issues. though we try to put ourselves in your shoes, and visualize your day to day and moment to moment, we still can't imagine nor feel what it is like to be sam's mom. it is surely divine providence(planning)that we got to "meet" you, and we r sorry that we don't quite understand. may G-d the healer of all mankind hold your hand warmly and tightly and give you the strength and the rewards that u so richly deserve. may you and sammy go from strength to greater strength

Anonymous said...

From Strength to Strength, Lesha, Sammy and Sahulkin!!!!